Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Digital Society Blog 1

How does digital technology affect freedom and democracy?
The article tells of freedom of speech as being a vital part to democracy's success. However societies must limit both sides extremes such as racism, and hate speech. Technology today allows for information to be linked globally on a wide scale basis.

Has digital technology changed the way we view privacy?
Globalization allows the world to be up to date and expose the world in such a way that almost every person who has some sort of access to digital technology such as computers and cellphones knows the major events happening currently. Privacy on the web can be a hassle. However much of the privacy attacks are against celebrities rather than common people. The most dangerous privacy intrusion is the taking of personal information for illegal uses such as credit card scams. Digital privacy also takes a hit through the numerous viruses and spyware floating around online. Privacy attacks in general are a nuisance to society if nothing more.

How does digital technology affect intellectual property?
Intellectual property that is on the internet will take a hit. Some companies are even known to hire hackers to steal the ideas of rival companies. However on a more personal basis some of us commit the crime too. For example we download copyrighted music, movies, programs, and plagiarize illegally.

How does digital technology affect the economy?
Digital technology currently as a whole is positively affecting the economy. It has allowed people to view and buy products on the internet. It has also allowed stock brokers and investors to check there portfolios and investments online making the economy in a sense more accessible and updated.

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